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What Are The Best Sources Of Protein For Vegans?

Something that new vegans struggle with is getting enough protein in their diets. Without the availability of meat protein in their diets, vegans have to be more resourceful when looking for high quality sources of protein. A lack of sufficient amounts of protein in your diet can cause illness and leave you susceptible to a wide range of potentially harmful diseases, making finding new sources of protein even more important.

Having said that, we are going to share with you some healthy, nutritious sources of protein that will make your diet more effective at promoting muscle strength, satiety and weight loss. Let’s get started:

The Best Vegan Sources Of Protein

Seitan- popular with many vegans, seitan is a protein made from gluten. It contains about 25 grams of protein per 100 grams.

Tofu, Tempeh and Edamame – all originating from soybeans, tofu, tempeh and edamame offer high amounts of protein. All three contain iron, calcium and 10-19 grams of protein per 100 grams.

Lentils – lentils have 18 grams of protein per cooked 240 ml and are used in a variety of dishes. Lentils are also very high in fibre, providing 50% of your recommended daily fiber intake.

Chickpeas And Most Varieties Of Beans – beans typically contain high amounts of protein per serving. Most bean varieties contain about 15 grams of protein per cooked 240 ml as well as complex carbs, fiber, iron, folate, phosphorus, potassium and manganese.

Nutritional Yeast – this deactivated strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast is typically sold as a yellow powder or flakes and it has a flavour similar to cheese. Fortified nutritional yeast provides 14 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber per 28 grams.

Spelt And Teff – these ancient grains are gluten-free and they provide 10–11 grams of protein per cooked 240 ml. Spelt and teff are excellent sources of complex carbs, B vitamins, zinc, fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and manganese.

Hempseed – hempseed comes from the Cannabis sativa plant, and it contains 10 grams of complete, easily digestible protein per 28 grams.

Visit Mother Nature Healthy Delights

Energy Balls from Mother Nature Healthy Delights are the perfect way to practice intuitive vegan eating. They are packed with vitamins, minerals and the natural goodness of healthy, delicious fruits, nuts and more. To learn more about healthy snacking and for a full selection of healthy, delicious snacks, visit Mother Nature Healthy Delights today!

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